Allan Masiyano, a 29- year old IT Professional has established a computer Electronic Laboratory Centre in Zomba.

Masiyano, a graduate from the Teem Development Centre College (TDCC), says as the world progresses technologically and the professional landscape evolves, the investment will accelerate the Nation’s digital transformation thereby contributing to his vision towards a more prosperous technologically advanced Malawi.

The Zomba-based innovator has told ProjectM that the Lab will also help the youths to keep pace with modern developments and benefit from job opportunities in the labor market.

He said:”We were motivated by the way other countries are growing technologically. As developing countries we need to learn from the examples of developed countries to improve the business climate and promote business development growth. This initiative is an important step towards enhancing technology and innovation in the country and achieve sustainable development in the technological field. Our main goal is to make sure we study different innovations and become the best innovators in Malawi and beyond.”

The IT specialist has said the initiative will among other things provide safety testing for all types of electronic products and for studying different innovations while looking at an angle of trying to come up with innovative systems which are unique and different from others.

‘’ We have a list of web-based systems and arduino projects to be made hence our focus is to develop automated systems that will be able to perform various functions. We are looking at the needs of the people in terms of technology and address them technologically. Currently we putting together electronic scraps more especially for computers in order to have enough project testing materials with BIOS re-programmer and Arduino to purchase, which will be less than MK1 Million’’, he added.

The young innovator adds that apart from creating job opportunities amongst young population in the country, the program will also provide an opportunity for participants to acguire necessary skills in the field of computing and information technology

The Computer Electronic Lab is located along Mpunga 3 Miles road just soon after Sadzi SDA Church in the district.

Masiyano can be reached on: +265881 526 267

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