Blantyre-based youthful entrepreneur, Anthony Major has become an instant role model to his fellow youths after launching a security firm called “Major Security Services”.

Major, 24, has teamed up with a group of young people to set up the firm which has already started offering security services to companies and individuals.

He has told ProjectM in an interview that he has always harboured dreams of establishing his own security company to add to his business portifolio.

“As you might be aware, I am not a stranger in entrepreneurship circles having established a pest control company called Major Pest Control and Fumigation company in 2023,” said Major.

He used proceeds from the pest control company to open the new venture.

Located in Machinjiri, near Makwasa Clinic, Major Security Services has already secured several contracts with companies and individuals.

“I am very confident that we are going to succeed despite starting small as a team,” said Major.

Security expert and co-founder of Spade security services located in Lilongwe, Anthony Manda has commended Major, saying time has come for youths to embrace entreprenuership.

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