World Vision Malawi Initiates Child Sponsorship Week

In a move to support children affected by hunger crises, World Vision Malawi is running a Child Sponsorship week to support at least 5.7 million children.

During the week, Word Vision is going to various communities to identify vulnerable children to link them to donors.

According to World Vision Malawi, research has shown that malaria and road accidents are the major cause of children’s deaths.

During the sponsorship week under-5 children will undergo a full body and nutrition screening and malaria prevention and symptom awareness and encourage parents to seek medical attention.

Speaking in an interview, Word Vision Country Director, Francis Dube said the initiative has been helpful in shaping the future of Malawian children.

“Our aim is to connect children in the communities to donors so that their living standards are improved. We also provide them basic needs, for example clean water, adequate food for good health and nutrition,” he said.

Gedion Manda, one of the registered children from Salima commended the program saying it has improved his community.

“Through this sponsorship program we have been able to get things like a classroom block, portable water and irrigation initiative he explained.

World Vision Malawi is working with Directorate of Road Traffic and Safety Services and police in a bid to raise awareness of road safety to reduce children’s death caused by accidents.

The child sponsorship week has been running from 29 July to 3 August and is being commemorated under the theme, Realising a Child’s Promise.

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