Woman defies odds to thrive in business

A few years ago, 29 year-old Florence Chinganyama was among the country’s youths struggling to break into the saturated job market.

Chinganyama, who is the mother of one, and a resident of Chilomoni, Blantyre, reached a point where she thought of giving up.

But instead of giving up on life, she gave up on job hunting and ventured into business.

After extensive research, she started selling porridge flour, locally known as “Ufa wa Phala,” a business that has now grown into a big business.

Profits made from the flour, which is packed in bags weighing 1 kilogramme, were used to order additional items including beans, cooking oil, soya and flour.

“I started my business with only a few bags of porridge flour. It’s not much but trust me, I am where I am because of those few bags,” Chinganyama said.

Currently, she business has grown and she is currently able to support herself and her child.

“Being a single mother, I knew from the start that if I give up easily, my child will suffer,” Chinganyama added.

She has since urged single mothers across the country never to give and venture into entrepreneurship.

Chinganyama added that the country can only develop if youths realise that giving up is not an option.

Chinganyama told ProjectM that she was inspired by one of the country’s renowned entrepreneurs, Triphornia Mpinganjira.

Her vision is to see her business grow into an export and import entity.

Currently, she is able to supply flour to consumers across Blantyre City.

Maggie Kampingo, a mother of two, has hailed Chinganyama’s porridge flour, saying it is the best in terms of nutrition value.

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