Women Legal Resources Centre (WOLREC) has established Village Savings Loan Groups (VSLGs) in Nsanje targeting women with an aim of empowering them economically to improve their livelihoods.

Ndenguma Village Savings Loan Group member Agnes Mbereko said women were failing to help boost their business due to lack of finances.

She said they could not start any business because they had no knowledge of finance management.

Speaking to ProjectM, Mbereko said the coming of WOLREC, who drilled women on the importance of being in financial groupings, has led many women to be successful in many things.

“We have formed our own VSLG with a membership of thirty. It has been doing very well since we started some years ago,” she said.

Mbereko revealed that through the VSLG she has managed to build a house which is roofed with iron sheets and piped water at her house.

Mbereko proudly said she is no longer a victim of having challenges in leaking houses whenever it rains and waiting for the Communal Water Point (CWP) to open for water.

Patrick Jenala is the only male in this VSLG said the by-laws they formulated for the group are indeed working as the members are adhering to them.

He has since hailed the cordial relationship amongst the members which has made it that Ndenguma Village Savings Loan Group be one of the outstanding groups.

“We have managed to repay the starter pack loan which WOLREC gave us as beginners,” said Jenala.

On his part, Jenala said he managed to pay for his children to Bangula Secondary School from Form One to Four with the resources from the group.

The only male added that he has also bought 10 goats which have now reached 20.

“It is my ambition to have about 50 goats in two or three years to come,” he said.

Senior Group Village Headman Ndenguma says he was impressed with the performance of the Village Savings Loan Group in his village.

“I have never been approached for the misunderstanding when it comes to an end of their agreed time of the bank,” said the senior traditional 

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