WFP to increase schools under home grown feeding program

World Food Program (WFP) has disclosed that it is going to increase the number of Primary Schools under the Home Grown Feeding Program the development it says it encourages more learners to come to school.

WFP Official for School Feeding Unit in Lilongwe, Madalo Thombozi made the revelation on Friday in Nsanje during the Cooking Competition for four schools in the district.

She said the initiative started in 2020 in the four districts of Nsanje, Chikwawa, Phalombe and Zomba.

Thombozi told ProjectM that in the four districts there are 216 primary schools and in due course the number is going to rise with 200 new schools which will represent a 92.6%.

“We are very appreciative to the European Union (EU) for the support it renders towards the feeding initiative which is attracting a vast number of learners to report to school,” she said.

Nsanje District Principal Education Officer, Dalitso Chapita has hailed the program which she said has transformed the mindset of learners towards education.

She said in the district the feeding initiative is reaching out to 36 schools under the WFP and the other 10 are of another program.

“Farmers organizations or groups around the Home Grown Feeding Program, schools supply their farm produces to the schools which becomes a source of income to them,” said Chapita.

In his remarks, Principal Nutrition, HIV and AIDS Officer for Nsanje, Noza Chingola Mpesi said the initiative has improved the nutrition status of school-going children.

He observed that as the district, the stunting levels have reduced from about 42% to about 32%.

“The feeding initiative has improved the nutrition status of learners and motivate them to attend classes,” Mpesi said.

During the cooking competition, Magoti Primary School emerged the winners from Nsanje.

The four winning schools in the four districts will battle it out in the National Cooking Competition in Lilongwe in November this year.

The winner, will among others, receive nutritious materials for the school, food hampers, seeds for school to plant.

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