Malawi is popularly called the Warm Heart of Africa has numerous places of attractions in her three regions.

In the northern region there is a wetland area known as Vwaza Marsh which lies between altitudes of 1,000 and 1,660 metres.

Vwaza Marsh covers an area of 986 square kilometers and was designated as a wildlife reserve in 1977.

It is found in Rumphi district south-west of the Nyika National Park and it shares a boundary to the west with Zambia.

A resident around the area, Duncan Nyirenda told ProjectM that the area in question has the potential of bringing forex through tourists coming to the area.

He said in the marsh visitors will be able to see both wildlife as well as birdlife.

“There are hippos and over two hundred species of birds found in the area,” he alledged.

According to Nyirenda it is a four hour drive from Rumphi to the distinction adding that accommodation are affordable.

On this point, the resident expressed concern that Malawians are always shun coming to appreciate the beauty of the area.

” There is less patronage of Malawians coming to the marsh as compared to foreigners,” he said.

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