People from Mwinama and Chidzalo villages under Traditional Authority Chikho in Ntchisi District have joined forces to build a bridge at Msinda Stream as one way of providing an all-season access to the two villages.

The villagers believe the bridge will, among others, transform lives of surrounding communities as people will now be able to access basic services such as schools, hospitals and markets.

Village headman Mwinama said his subjects decided to embark on the project after being frustrated with challenges they were facing to access basic amenities.

“My subjects believe in mindset change and it is that thinking which propelled them to join forces with their friends from Chidzalo to build this bridge,” said village headman Mwinama.

His counterpart, village headman Chidzalo could not hide his excitement with the project, commending his subjects for their effort to build the bridge.

“My subjects have shown that with unity, anything is possible,” said village head Chidzalo.

The villagers contributed workforce, building materials such as quarry, stones and sand while the Ntchisi District Council has provided technical assistance.

A 12-year-old Ziggere Banda, who is a Standard Seven learner from Chidzalo Village, has commended the villagers for embarking on the project, saying it will greatly reduce challenges she was facing to cross the stream particularly during the rainy season.

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