Using the camera; for the great impact to the community

In a world fueled by the digital era, High Definition (HD) Cameras are all over, capturing best moments such as fashion, entertainment and nature among others but Grant Jaha, a journalist and policeman by profession, uses his camera to capture situations that needs attention.

Grant who studied journalism at Malawi Institute of Journalism (MIJ) and graduated in 2019, is currently working as a police officer based at Dwangwa Police Station in Nkhotakota district.

He told ProjectM that, he values and uses his camera to capture scenarios that after being made public can change someone’s life.

“My focus is to make sure that people who are underprivileged should be assisted in various areas. For instance, I make sure that within my community I should look for students who are failing to go to school due to lack of school fees. When I find such students, I take their pictures under their consent, make follow ups with their teachers and parents, in making sure that everything is credible. I always feel happy whenever a hand is reached to any person that I recognized is in need of support.” said Jaha.

He said, currently, at least 17 Community Day Secondary School students are being assisted with school fees by well-wishers, after identifying their challenges.

Jaha said, “I named this initiative ‘Help the Needy’ and my camera is the focal point which captures real situations on the ground. If there is a place where students are failing to go to school due to damaged bridges, I capture such conditions, go forward to relevant authorities and expect change or improvement. That’s my main focus.”

He said currently he is focusing on the goal of reaching many remote areas in Nkhotakota district, where he feels there are challenges that needs to be sorted out, such as portable clean water in communities.

For any further details, Grant Jaha is on 0888348821 (calls and Whatsapp) and also a Facebook page named ‘Help the Needy’).

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