University of Malawi student Shadreck Kamwana has created a Digital Automatic Bell System for schools that do not need human intervention to ring.

Kamwana, who comes from Kasungu district, has indicated that the bell works when the school connects it to the mobile Application that has been created through WiFi communication that the bell produces.

The 25-year-old student who is studying Bachelor of Science in Electronics at the University of Malawi, said that once the connection is done, the data can be entered according to the number of times they need the bell to ring and the times are categorized in how they want the bell to sound either at the end of the period or at break time.

He has told ProjectM that the time is also categorized depending on the day people may want it to sound and when the data is uploaded the bell will be following the data entered for as long as the school wants it like to be for the whole school term without human involvement.

The UNIMA student adds, “it is for the school or church to decide how should it work because it is not restricted to one sound. It is high time as a country we move from manual bells and their potential for human error and switch to electronic systems. Our innovative digital bell system ensures timely reminders for school activities, helping both teachers and learners to stay on schedule among others. “

Kamwana developed the new device after being approached by various schools in his home district and when he noticed the challenges that the school is going through using the local school bells, he decided to come up with something that could work out for them and named it Digital Automatic School Bell.

“This is the fourth model to develop and it has costed about K500, 000 and to those willing to have these bells in their schools, Churches or for different purposes, we are selling them at K250, 000 each. The goal is to put this innovative product on the market and as we speak, many schools have shown their interest in this project, but the biggest challenge is that we do not have enough resources to do mass production. It is for this reason that we are asking well-wishers to come forward and help us to make it successful’, he said.

For more information you may contact Shadreck Kamwana on: +265 997 98 43 66.

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