Trash to Art

When an ordinary person sees a banana leaf, they always think that its trash and needs to be disposed but with Weston Mwamlima he sees a banana leaf as a raw material that needs to be used in art.

Mwamlima is the founder of Banana Leaf-Art where different art is done through the use of a dry stem of a banana leaf, elephant grass and maize husks to make the Banana Leaf-Art.

“The Banana leaf-art is made out of trash and this art is made by the children from Malawi, Zambia and Tanzania that I have managed to teach”, Mwamlima said.

From the Banana leaf-Art Mwamlima has also managed to go to United States with the children for a tour where they demonstrate their work.

Mwamlima added that the money sold from the printed Banana leaf-Art covers for the expenses of their tickets and as well as any other expenses made during their tour in US.

He further said that any art sold during the tour or during events like the international trade fair, the money goes to the owner of the art.

He said: “There is no formal class done, the children teach each other by watching a brother do it and then they try it out.”

Mwamlima revealed his plans to have the children demonstrate their art next year at the international trade fair.

For purchase of the Banana Leaf-Art, special orders need to be done in advance as it takes time.

Weston Mwamlima is locally found in Machinjili or you can get hold of him on
Cell: 098 270 8752, WhatsApp +1-757-537-8888 or you can visit their website

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