Timveni Youth Organisation Brings Hope to Children in Lilongwe

In the heart of Group Village Headman Ndodani, under Traditional Authority Kabudula in Lilongwe, the Timveni Child and Youth Organisation gave hope to children under the care of the Zoe Foundation.

The organisation demonstrated its unwavering commitment to children’s welfare through a heartwarming act of solidarity.

Timveni board member, Kettie Kujaliwa, highlighted the organisation’s mission of advocating for children’s rights and ensuring their basic needs are met.

“Every child deserves not just protection but also the assurance of good nutrition, which is fundamental for their growth and development. This is a step towards creating a brighter future for these kids,” she remarked.

The Zoe Foundation, which serves as a safe haven for vulnerable children, currently shelters 106 children, according to volunteer Nyuma Banda.

The foundation provides care and support for orphans and less-privileged youth in the area, ensuring they have access to shelter, education and meals.

Nyuma expressed gratitude for Timveni’s visit, emphasising the importance of partnerships in sustaining the foundation’s efforts.

“It’s inspiring to see organisations like Timveni coming to cheer the children and support our work. It reminds these kids that they are not forgotten,” she said.

The event was filled with laughter, joy and a sense of belonging as the Timveni team engaged with the children through games, songs and shared meals.

For many of these young souls, it was a rare moment of celebration amid their daily struggles.

As Timveni continues its mission to advocate for children’s rights and well-being, such initiatives underline the power of community collaboration in transforming lives.

The visit to the Zoe Foundation underlines the fact that every act of kindness contributes to shaping a more compassionate society where every child can thrive.

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