The Tobacco Commission (TC) has disclosed that it has sold 64.7 million kgs of Tobacco in the 7th Week of trading, representing a 28.6 percent increase from last year. 

Speaking with ProjectM in an interview TC spokesperson Terephorus Chigwenembe said about 182 million dollars was realized from the 64.7 million kgs which was sold at an average price of 2 dollars 81 cents, a 26 percent increase from the same period last year.

“We are happy to note that the progress of the selling season underway has triggered people’s interest to grow the crop and the average price keeps on increasing every week”, he explained. 

Chigwenembe added that the increase in the average price is due to the high-quality of the green gold being brought to the floors.

“This aligns very well with our goal to increase our annual production to 200million kgs by 2028 because in recent years, we have been failing to meet the trade demand”, he explained. 

Chigwenembe has since expressed satisfaction with the progress of selling season underway which has triggered people’s interest to grow the crop.

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