The Shire Valley Transformation Movement ( SVTM) says it has conducted discussions with Traditional Authority Ndamera in Nsanje aiming at opening mega farm a development which is going to see the communities growing crops twice or thrice in a year.

Executive Director for SVTM John Ojesi Seda said his organization decided to have a mega farm in the area of T/A Ndamera in order to boost farming activities so that people are food secured.

 Seda told ProjectM in an interview that his Non Governmental Organization’s plan is in-line with government’s 2063 agenda.

“ Once the mega farm will be functional the communities will be food secured and there will be surplus for sale,” he said.

In his remarks Chief Ndamera has hailed the SVTM for its consideration to his jurisdiction.

He said the project will go into the history of the area as it is going bring food to his people throughout the year.

“ There will be no hunger in my area and some remaining crops will be sold whereby the communities will have money to buy other essentials,” said the traditional leader.

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