Secondary school students in Nkhotakota groomed in radio manufacturing initiative

As one way of enhancing and moving with the technology era, the Ministry of Education on Saturday launched Radio Manufacturing initiative championed by the government at Chididi Community Day Secondary School in Nkhotakota district.

Director of Science, Technology and Innovation in the Ministry of Education, Associate Professor Chamora Mikeka, appealed to students in the country, to use innovation skills as one way of contributing to Malawi’s economic growth in order to achieve the Malawi vision 2063.

“Education, training and skills development should be advanced and passed to students at a tender age. Sometimes we may have the knowledge and the ability of operating some technology appliances such as television and the radio but most people lack skills to build, repair and even maintaining it. Therefore, our education system to be meaningful, we need to make sure that there is much knowledge on innovation skills.” He said.

Associate Professor Mikeka further added that if learners are able to make radio receivers on their own, this will help protect foreign currency among others as the country will be producing its own radios.

According to Proffesor Mikeka, government has introduced Junior and Secondary School clubs which will also have innovation garages of keeping different innovated materials.

One of the student in form 3 at Chididi CDSS, Mercy Sifukwe described the initiative as an opener towards provoking critical innovation ideas.

Said Mercy; “I feel so happy for the initiative of manufacturing our own radios. This will not end here as I will also be teaching my friends once I go home on holiday. It is simple and interesting only that we lacked such skills from the beginning.”

According to Professor Mikeka , the FM Radio Manufacturing initiative which has been launched in Nkhotakota is expected to reach out in all primary and Secondary Schools in the country.

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