In a bid to combat the high unemployment rate among youths, Scouts Malawi has launched a project to equip young people in the southern region with skills to manufacture soap using locally available resources. 

The project, which targets young mothers, aims to provide them with a means of economic empowerment.

According to Edward Nyamwera, National Rover Commissioner and leading volunteer at Scouts Malawi, the organization’s focus is to impart skills for life into young people, making them responsible citizens in their communities.

 “We want to equip them with necessary skills to survive in a job-saturated market,” Nyamwera said.

Scouts Malawi has partnered with district councils across the region to identify young girls who dropped out of school due to teenage pregnancies. 

By teaching these girls soap-making skills, the organization hopes to motivate them to return to school.

 Since the initiative began last year, dozens of youths have acquired soap-making skills and have shared their knowledge with friends in their areas.

One beneficiary, Danielle Aligiza from Chikwawa, who dropped out of school due to pregnancy, commended Scouts Malawi for the initiative. 

“Through this project, I have learned soap-making skills, which have empowered me economically,” she said.

Scouts Malawi plans to extend the initiative to other regions, enabling more youths to benefit from the program.

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