Rumphi-based truck driver, Lombani Frank Mhone, has become a shining star by building a car, named MH 1, using local materials from car breakers and shops.

“I have always been ready to make a career in the booming field of innovation, and this talent came to pass when I was employed as a truck driver a few years ago.” He said.

Mhone’s first car was built in 2019, but due to various reasons, the project did not materialize into an exhibition.

He decided to build another one, which he believes will be made with greater upgrades.

The car project, currently under construction, will cost almost K3.5 million and is expected to be completed within three months.

When asked about his inspiration, Mhone said, “This art started from my childhood dreams, as I used to build and play around with small cars made from scratch.”

“I am encouraging young upcoming entrepreneurs and aspiring innovators to unlock their potential to innovate and lead if they are to achieve success.”

Mhone’s life was incredibly difficult when he lost his job a few years ago, but his persistent efforts have led to significant progress.

He is confident that he can rise to the greatest heights and rebuild his life from scratch.

“In a rapidly evolving world where innovation is at the forefront of everything that we do, it is crucial to prioritize our own goals and aspirations in order to achieve personal fulfillment and success,” he said.

Mhone’s long-term goal is to expand his business and employ more youths to mitigate the impact of unemployment amongst undeserved young men and women in the country.

His life story serves as a compelling example of what can be accomplished when individuals are driven by an intense passion and determination in the large narrative of Malawian history.

Lombani Frank Mhone can be reached on: +265 888 862 128

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