Pushing through challenges

Challenges should not hinder one from achieving their goals but rather make them work hard to achieve their goals.

Shakira Mussa has managed to do great things in the mist of challenges.

Challenges made Mussa to remain focused and work hard towards serving her customers better and in good time despite not having her own sewing machine.

“Whenever I find a customer who wants a particular attire, I always borrow from people who charge per day but I wish to buy my own sewing machine so that I should be able to serve a lot of customers in good time”, Mussa said.

Mussa has urged her fellow women that they are capable of achieving anything they want in life and be self dependent even in the mist of challenges.

Mussa is into designing and tailoring whereby she designs different things from dresses, skirts, scrunchies, makhilikhili attire as well as bombers and was trained by the Malawi University of Applied Business and Sciences (MUBAS) Incubation Center.

For more inquiries, please contact Shakira Mussa on 0999705030.

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