Pottery can develop country’s economy

It is a fact that Malawi has potential citizens who can help in the development of the economy.

Tourism is of the sectors possessing such potential.

One such person, who is making beautiful materials from soil among others, is Rosa Nikita Thomson who is also a third year student at the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) majoring in Indigenous Knowledge System and Practices under Culture and Heritage.

She told ProjectM that Malawi has the capability of producing materials that can sell on international markets and hence accelerating the development of the country.

“We make beautiful materials such as plates, mug cups and toys among others using the country’s readily available resources which we have, particularly sand. The crucial part lies on the sampling and measuring of the type of soil in coming up with a beautiful product. To avoid instances of breaking up the products we measure different quantities of the sand that should add up to 100%,” said Thomson.

She further said after the products are molded, a recommended application of heat up to 960 degrees Celsius is applied to solidify them which is followed by application of braze that contains oxides (a substance that changes the product from the state of pottery to slimac).

Thomson, who is planning to open her own ceramic company and employing other youth after graduating from MUST, said it is high time the country starts exploring in other ventures that have potential to transform the country’s economy apart from agriculture.

She said: “As a student, who is majoring in this pottery department at MUST, I am sure that if Malawi utilises and supports innovations like this, our country will never be the same. I dream of opening my own Ceramic Company (specialising in producing such products) that can be exported and competing on international markets.”

For more information, Rosa Nikita Thompson is on 0881 06 70 23

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