Piggery introduced at ENF

The Effie Namwali Foundation (ENF) initiated pig farming among its members from the adult literacy class this year in March.

The Project Coordinator, Chisomo Kalembo, said the initiative was made with an aim of improving the lives of its members.

“This initiative has motivated a lot of members to continue attending classes as this has not only benefited them alone but their families as well”, Kalembo added.

On her part, the leader for the ENF adult literacy class, Annie Eliya thanked the ENF for the pig initiative.

Eliya added that the initiative came at the right time when they could not afford to buy one as it is very expensive, but now that is a thing of the past as she now owns one through the ENF pig initiative.

The ENF donated pigs worthy K220000 to its adult literacy class members who are 91 in total, and were grouped into 5 groups based on village allocation.

These includes the villages of Phodogoma, Savala, Namilonje, Mlenga and Khogolo where the members are located.

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