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Carbon market has potential to revamp tourism

Malawi has launched a Carbon Market Initiative which aims at selling the carbon dioxide in…

ByByTamanda HauJun 26, 20232 min read

Poetry Association to launch a medium map

Poetry Association of Malawi has plans to launch medium map to give its fans a…

ByByJoshua David MorishuJun 26, 20232 min read

Calling well wishers to help revamping his innovation works

After inventing a handwashing machine at Mangochi technical college in 2018 which is still operating…

ByByTamanda HauJun 26, 20232 min read

Secondary school students in Nkhotakota groomed in radio manufacturing initiative

As one way of enhancing and moving with the technology era, the Ministry of Education…

ByByTamanda HauJun 26, 20232 min read