The National Youth Council of Malawi (Nycom) has drilled 20 youths in tourism entrepreneurship during the five-day snorkeling and diving course held at Cape Maclear in Mangochi.

The youths were drawn from the lakeshore districts of Karonga, Likoma, Nkhata Bay, Nkhotakota, Salima and Mangochi.

The National Youth Council of Malawi (Nycom) Nycom board chairperson Duncan Chiyani urged participants to utilise the course and become entrepreneurs in the tourism sector.

However, he said this can work better if they work in groups which could help them access loans to finance their ventures.

Chiyani tipped the participants on Saturday during the closing of the course.

He advised: “After acquiring the skills in snorkeling, diving and other tourism packages, would you please go back to your respective places and implement what you have learnt to become reliable youth entrepreneurs.

“But if you want to prosper in this industry, form groups with your friends in the form of youth cooperatives so that you have an opportunity to access loans or grants from the government or other financial institutions, including from Nycom.”

Chiyani cautioned that it becomes difficult for the youth to access loans or grants when they work individually.

“Organisations find it easier to help people in a group than to support an individual person. Therefore, take advantage of that to fulfil your entrepreneurship dream,” he advised.

In his remarks, Nycom executive director, Rex Chapota said the council is committed to supporting the youth in the tourism sector in order to create wealth for their families and the country as espoused in the Malawi 2063, a development blueprint, aspirations.

“It is our commitment to empowering the youth entrepreneurship in tourism with requisite skills and knowledge so they are part of the transformation agenda the country is driving,” he said.

Chapota said Nycom would like to work with the youth who are endowed with unique skills and knowledge on entrepreneurship.

One of the graduates, Peace Ndhlovu, from Salima, who creates tourism packages and websites said the course has been exceptional, educational and an eye opener to what she does.

“I have learnt how to create tourism packages innovatively, explore some sites we never thought existed and market them. This has honed my skills to become a successful entrepreneur,” she said

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