Nkhatabay-based youthful entrepreneur, Edward Kaunda is on course to become one of the country’s successful entrepreneurs after he set up a company that specialises in processing of ginger products and honey.

Based in Kapalapata Village in Traditional Authority Timbiri in Nkhata Bay, he has established a company called Mudanga Investments.

Kaunda has told ProjectM in an interview that he decided to venture into entrepreneurship after noticing the growing trend of youths who were opting for formal employment .

“Since I was young, I have always harboured dreams of becoming an entrepreneur because I want to become economically successful at a young age,” he said.

Few years ago, Kaunda who is an active member of youth clubs around his area got inspired by how a certain youth club, Makwezu Youth Club, was performing in areas of income generating activities.

“This club was into ginger farming and honey production and it made me to think that maybe I can manage to implement this on my own,” he said.

Mudanga Investments is currently cultivating ginger and honey, products that are then packaged and processed to fetch higher prices on the market.

“When processed and packaged, I usually sell my products to working class people and other chain stores in Nkhatabay,” He said.

Through his business, Kaunda has managed to obtain a certificate in teaching in 2022.

“Apart from sponsoring myself in school, I am also able to fend for myself,” he added.

Kaunda’s vision is to see Mudanga Investments grow into a company that will supply products both on local and international markets.

Ziggere Banda, a long time customer of ginger products made by Mudanga Investments has hailed Kaunda for producing quality products.

Youth rights activist Maloto Chimkombero has since commended Kaunda for taking a risk by venturing into entrepreneurship.

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