In a bid to help conserve the environment, Nkhata Bay-based organisation, Go Green Save the Environment (GGSE), has embarked on an innovative project dubbed “Climate Action” which seeks to boost the use of alternative sources of energy.

Among others, the organisation has introduced a reforestation campaign, manufacturing of building blocks using plastics and door to door waste collection. The collected waste products are used to manufacture briquettes.

GGSE project manager Nemlord Anyokoh Nyasulu told ProjectM in an interview that the organization is aiming to protect the environment and improve the use of alternative sources of energy for people around Nkhata Bay.

“We believe the environment is an asset which needs to be guarded and protected from jealousy,” said Nyasulu.

The organisation has also embarked on a special exercise aimed at civic educating the masses the benefits of allowing trees to regenerate.

“We believe tree planting shouldn’t be a substitute for regeneration because regeneration is much easier than taking care of a new tree,” said Nyasulu.

The organisation also collects tree leaves used to manufacture briquettes that are then sold at a cheaper price.

“Our aim is to substitute the use of charcoal because research has shown that charcoal burning is contributing to massive deforestation not only in Nkhata Bay but across the country,” he said.

Currently, products that are being manufactured by the organization are being sold in Nkhata Bay with plans already underway to start supplying across the country.

Fyness N’nolo, a briquettes customer, has hailed the organization for introducing her to alternative sources of energy, saying in the past, she used to believe that briquettes are for the elite.

You can sample their products by calling or texting this number: 0999420789

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