The Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) says it is taking a bold step to become an entrepreneurship university to cultivate positive change and foster economic growth and food security in the country.

The University has started the ambitious project by investing in maize flour production project to the tune of K20 million.

MUST project Manager, who is also a post-Doc research fellow responsible for food and nutrition, Dr. Edda Lungu told ProjectM in an exclusive interview the institution ventured into maize flour production after noticing gaps on the market, particularly on food products.

She said in today’s dynamic and competitive world entrepreneurship skills are important and can play a crucial role in influencing the country’s economic development.

On the other hand, it will also empower students with entrepreneurial skills while doing their studies.

The Project Manager said: “In the new strategic plan, the university has a pillar of business Enterprise and Innovation; hence, to become an entrepreneurship university as one of the outputs for joining the industrialisation. We are a leading institution in driving industrialisation pillar of the MW2063 and it is for this reason that we really want to go into commercialisation.”

Lungu said the maize flour initiative signifies the institution’s efforts to diversify into other ventures alongside teaching and research.

The Manager said the product has not yet been launched on the market as the authorities are waiting for the finalisation of the industrial park which will not only have the maize processing plant but also other industries.

”We are still working with the Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS) to help us build capacity to ensure that our products have retained the quality as required by the government of Malawi, including the global market,” said Lungu.

She, however, noted that the organisation is taking advantage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Mikolongwe partnership to start leading in the processing industry.

“Since we are in the initial stages, we will still use the existing staff both at MUST and Mikolongwe, but our plan is to employ not less than 30 people to help in running the factory,” she said.

The equipment they are using was a donation from the government of China to the Ministry of Agriculture to support Mikolongwe Estate.

“For us, we have mostly invested into the packaging materials and the procurement of maize amounting to K20 million, but we intend to procure a larger processing equipment that will cost about USD 100,000 with a fortification component and auto processing technologies. Our future plan is to have a very big industrial park that will produce not only agro-food products but also digital and all related interventions,” she said.

MBS spokesperson Monica Khombe confirmed that MUST is in the process of acquiring certification to start production of maize meal flour.

She said: “The unit engaged the bureau on the certification requirements and all details were given to them in terms of the applicable Malawi standards, evaluation process for the production premises and products and how we arrive at the certification decision.

“They then indicated that once they are ready, they will engage the MBS to commence the certification process.”

For more information on the project call Dr. Lungu on: 0995 818 099

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