Prolific youthful innovator, Innocent Mandili has made headlines on the international scene after receiving recognition as one of the top 100 global innovators of 2024 by the Solferino Academy, a prestigious research and Innovation hub under the Red Crescent Society of Switzerland.
Mandili, a first year student studying Manufacturing Engineering at the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) has received the recognition for developing a “Thermo El Stove”, a device that allows users to cook while generating electricity through eco-friendly means.
The 19 year old has also received credit for producing briquettes using waste materials such as Sugarcane rind, briquettes that are also used to power the Thermo El Stove.
The innovator has since thanked Solferino Academy for recognizing his works.
“Personally, I am honored to be recognized for my works and receiving an international recognition is inspiring,” Mandili said.
He has since indicated that the recognition will inspire him to explore new ideas.
“My wish is to continue pursuing sustainable solutions for communities,” said Mandili.
Mandili’s Thermo El Stove, which has been extensively covered on ProjectM platforms is a game-changing innovation which is currently helping in addressing challenges of deforestation rocking the country.