Malawi’s fish off-taker secures foreign markets

Hamis Nyampesi, a fish off-taker and owner of Nyampesi Fish Products from Monkeybay in Mangochi District will from September this year start exporting fish products to Zambia and Mozambique.

The off-taker to women fish processing cooperatives such as Fish Land Ladies, Mtendere and Bunda Women group told ProjectM that the demand for fish production in the two countries is so high which he said if the deal is secured it will give him a chance to enable his company to earn foreign exchange through exports.

He said the variety of species that the country has, such as Micheni and Usipa fish are much better than those contained in other Africa’s fresh waters, saying mathematically this will boost the country’s foreign exchange rate and the economy.

‘’At first, we were only distributing our products to the local supermarkets and individuals, but now we are looking to explore more markets. In Zambia alone, we have been asked to supply one tone of our products and we can assure Malawians that this company will be a solution to the forex shortage in our country in the next three years to come’’, said Nyampesi.

On youth empowerment, he plans to construct a vocational training school where young men and women will be trained for free in carpentry and joinery, welding and fabrication as well as , motor vehicle mechanics so that they are economically empowered and become self-reliant.

‘’As a fish production company, we want to make sure that youths in the country have something to do and this is the only way we can assist government to fulfill its Malawi 2063 (national development) agenda,’’ said Nyampesi.

On job creation, he said his company has employed 11 people on full time and 94 indirect employees.

Despite being successful in the fish sector, the young entrepreneur cited transportation and storage as a major challenge.

On storage, he has said that he needs more of that facilities to keep more than 100 tons of fish products to meet the expectation of the customers throughout the year.

He has since called on government, companies and NGOs to assist his company with the vehicle to compete on the international market.

For any assistance you may talk to Hanis Nyampesi on :0991478300

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