Malawian has sent 12 players to a chess tournament Project Fide Zambia Academy has organised from 11 to 17 August in Lusaka, Zambia.

Chess Association of Malawi (Chessam) spokesperson Francis Mwangupili said in an interview yesterday the association has sponsored one player Linda Jambo as while Karibu Academy Dadaz Chess Academy have sponsored, two and nine, respectively.

He commended Dadaz and Karibu Academy for sponsoring their players, saying such a tournament exposes youth players to international competition.

Mwangupili also said Jambo has gone as part of Chessam’s GM project initiative aimed at producing Malawi’s first international master. Margaret Ngugama has also gone as arbiter (referee).

Mwangupili has commended Dadaz Academy for sending their players to the competition.

He said: International participation is important because it is only through such competitions that local players can get chess titles. It also exposes younger players to international competition which in turn promotes local talent.

“It is great the Dadaz Chess Academy and Karibu Academy have taken the initiative for their young players to participate.”

Commenting on the trip, Dadaz Chess Academy founder Susan Namangale, said in an interview the academy’s eight players will take part in Under-16 while she will participate in the women’s section.

She said: “Four parents will also accompany the children. They are, Shivasai Patil, Faith Chamdimba, Omega Chamdimba, Praise Kakota, Mzati Milanzi, Walusungu Ngosi, Lucie Chimeta, Alipo Namangale.

“This is one way of exposing the children to international events and the only way to improve on the international scene. The parents of the children in collaboration with Dada chess academy have funded the trip.”

Namangale, who is also Zone 4.5 Zone president and Malawi National Council of Sports board member as well as US charity Gift of Chess ambassador, is also part of the organising team.

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