Major General Buxton Titus Namwali (Retired), who served in the Malawi Defense Force from 1963 to 1979 was laid to rest at Phodogoma Village, T/A Ngolongoliwa, in Thyolo District with military honour marked by a 17-gun salute.

Aged 86, he passed on while receiving treatment at Blantyre Adventist Hospital on July 24, 2024.

Retired General Henry Odilo, Chairperson for the Veterans and Ex-Service League of Malawi (VELOM), described Major General Namwali as a ‘principled and visionary soldier’ who contributed to national development and security in various capacities.

He said:  “The late Major General Namwali (retired) served as the first Chairperson for the Commonwealth Ex-Service League of Malawi which was then called CELOM. 

“His absence has left a gaping hole in our lives. He promoted soldiers’ welfare, underscoring Malawi Defence Force’s commitment to creating a positive and productive work environment.” 

On his part, Commander of the Maritime Forces, Major General Francis Kakhuta Banda, called Major General Namwali a monumental figure in the Army and a foundational pillar of dedication and technical proficiency.

He said the late Major General Namwali joined the Malawi Defence Force in 1963, was commissioned to the class of officers in 1964.

Jeremy Namwali, a third born child in the family of six, described his father as a caring, inspiring and supportive person who was always in good standing with his family and the community.

He said:  “This is a memorable highlight in paying tribute to a life well lived, filled with love and inspiration. Our father’s unwavering commitment to this country has an indelible mark on the countless lives he touched.

“His legacy will continue to inspire and guide us in our mission to serve lives and provide the highest standard of love to the less privileged, as our father used to do. He may be gone, but his love for his family, community, and country will not fade.”

According to information, he led a rescue operation of a hijacked South African plane at Chileka International Airport in 1972. After the incident, he was promoted to Major General by the First President of Malawi, Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda, before retiring in 1979.

The late Major General Buxton Titus Namwali was born on June 12, 1938, and is survived by a wife and four children, 12 grandchildren and one great grandchild.

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