Farmers in the country have been implored to embrace organic farming in a bid to maximize profits. 

Lilongwe-based renowned entrepreneur and organic farming activist Clement Taonani has made the appeal, saying organic farming has numerous health benefits for consumers.

Addressing organic farming enthusiasts through his social media platforms, Taonani has also urged local farmers to transition to organic farming to secure lucrative deals from consumers who prefer organically produced food over inorganic food. 

“Modern studies are revealing that organically produced foodstuffs contain a lot of health benefits, and this is the reason why farmers should transition to such type of farming,” Taonani said.

Taonani downplayed fears from some farmers who believe organic farming practices are less profitable, saying with proper training, farmers can profit more from it.

 “I am a living example of a farmer who is doing well through organic farming practices. At my farm, we don’t use chemical fertilizers, but we are able to get bumper harvests every year,” said Taonani.

At his farm, Nthawi Farms, located in Chitedze on the outskirts of Lilongwe city, Taonani also welcomes farmers who want to learn organic farming practices.

 “As someone with vast knowledge on this trade, I usually welcome farmers at my farm to train them, while some who are far learn through various forums,” he said.

Currently, Taonani is running several programs targeting farmers who want to venture into organic farming.

 Concurring with Taonani, Beatrice Ngaiyaye, a food science graduate from the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), described organic farming as the future of agriculture.

You can register for his trainings by following his Facebook page under the name “Clement Taonani” or “Nthawi Farms”.

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