At least 28 youths and 12 women from Lilongwe have undergone a 3-day training called “Green Innovation”, aimed at equipping them with knowledge on how they can manufacture environmental friendly products.

The training was organized by a Lilongwe based organization, Youth Action for Success and Development (YASD).

YASD founder and executive director Edward Chidombe Msiska has told ProjectM that the organization decided to train the participants as one way of helping them in identifying environmental conservation skills.

Msiska believes the training will help slowdown environmental degradation particularly in Lilongwe district.

“We are conducting these trainings under a project called Local Green Innovation Project (LOGIC) which of course aims at training participants diverse skills which we are calling green skills,” Msiska said.

Among others, participants at the training have been imparted with knowledge on how they can manufacture briquettes, organic liquid fertilizer, composite manure, grass bottle cutting and tree nursery management.

“We hope these skills will champion green innovations as a pathway of breaking socia-economic barriers for youths and women,” said Msiska.

One of the participants, Kennedy Nkhoma from Traditional Authority Tsabango described the training as timely, saying it will help him venture into entrepreneurship.

The ministry of trade and industry, through its spokesperson Patrick Botha has described the initiative as vital in eradicating over reliance on imports.

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