Organisers of the Likoma Island Festival have said that the much-anticipated event will take place from the 12-15 October this year.

Director of events, Patrick ulele Chikoti confirmed the development in an interview with ProjectM.

He said the organisers are optimistic that this year’s event will help to bring back tourists to the island.

“It has been difficult for the past few years to organize such events due to the Covid-19 and cholera pandemics, but now things have normalised; hence, our bouncing back,” said Chikoti.

He said this year, the festival will comprise activities such as Investment forums, Sports, Music, Traditional dances, Tours and sight-seeing, just to mention a few.

“We will also have a special dinner event in which several awards and projects will be announced,” said Chikoti.

The festival is held to promote tourism and tourism-related investments on the islands of Likoma and Chizumulu.

George Makwinja, a resident of Chizumulu Island has since welcomed the announcement, saying this year, he hopes to make more profits from his fishing business.

“Tourists, who patronise the event often buy fish from us, which translates to profits,” said Makwinja.

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