The Chewa Heritage Foundation (CHEFO) has announced that the Kulamba traditional ceremony of the Chewa people will take place on the 31st of August 2024.

Leader of the Chewa chiefs in Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique Senior Chief Lukwa has confirmed about the development Thursday in Lilongwe through a media briefing.

Senior Chief Lukwa told ProjectM in a separate interview that organizers of the Kulamba ceremony have given a green light for the ceremony to be conducted this year after a series of consultations.

“The ceremony will take place at Mkaika in Katete district, Eastern province of Zambia as it has always been the case in the past,” Senior Chief Lukwa said.

The Senior Chief said in preparation for the event, CHEFO has organized a series of fundraising activities to be held on the 26th of July 2024.

“We have organized these fundraising activities to solicit funds both in cash and in kind from well wishers,” said Senior Chief Lukwa.

The grouping says it has also purchased land in Lilongwe where it plans to build a cultural center and a Radio station.

The grouping has since urged people to attend the Kulamba ceremony, saying this year, the event will be unique, having not taken place for a long time due to several factors including the COVID-19 pandemic.

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