24 year-old MacLean Gondwe has invented a device called “Solar generator” which is being touted as a good alternative source of energy for consumers in the country.

Gondwe, 24, has already started manufacturing the device on an industrial scale under his company called Mac Technologies based in Karonga district.

He has told ProjectM in an interview that the device can power house appliances and other devices that require constant supply of power.

“Well, this device works well even during winter when we normally have erratic sunlight, so consumers are guaranteed power all the time,” Gondwe said.

The inventor, who is a graduate from the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) developed passion for innovation and entrepreneurship soon after graduating few years ago.

“I feel like the knowledge I acquired from the University could have been wasted if opted for formal employment hence my decision to embrace innovation and entrepreneurship,” said Gondwe.

Customers who purchase the Solar generator are given a 5-year warranty, rubber-stamping the durability of the device.

His vision is to see his innovation adopted by pourtly farmers which he says need constant supply of power.

Currently, he has managed to employ 2 people who are based at the company in Karonga district.

You can sample the product by calling 0885394266

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