Illovo Sugar Malawi in Chikwawa says it has allocated 46 hectares of its sugarcane plantation to  grow maize which will be distributed to the villagers around the estate in the district.

Company’s General Manager, Ricky Pillay said as part of its social responsibility it has decided to grow the grain in part of its plantations at Nchalo Estate in Chikwawa.

He said as the company it is aware of the challenges people are going through with the current drought situation which has been fueled due to ElNino.

Pillay told ProjectM that the 46 hectares will be irrigated and it is expected to produce about 644 metric tonnes per year if it will not be affected by pests.

“The company will be distributing the maize from the fields to the communities around the estate,” he said.

However, the Illovo the General Manager has bemoaned rampant theft of sugarcane and irrigation equipment.

Pillay has since urged people to jointly work together with Illovo Sugar Malawi in safeguarding its property.

Earlier, Paramount Chief Lundu hailed the company for setting aside 46 hectares of its plantations for growing maize.

He said the cultivation of maize  has come at the right time when the locals have less or no yield because of the prolonged dry spell.

On the security concerns, the Paramount Chief acknowledged that the communities should take part in the protection of the  company’s property.

“Illovo Sugar cannot make  profits if its materials are vandalised,” he said.

Khulubvi Arts and Cultural Festival, Coordinator Eric Trinta commended Illovo Malawi Sugar for sparing a portion of its sugarcane plantation to grow maize through irrigation.

He said this is a clear testimony that the company is committed to support the communities in which it operates.

“Illovo Sugar Malawi has truly  its social responsibility by growing maize which it intends to give to the communities,” he noted.

Trinta has since appealed to the locals to refrain from vandalising Illovo property.

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