The Ministry of Education has contracted 4,200 auxiliary teachers (ATs) in a bid to reduce the learner and qualified teacher ratio in primary schools in the country.

Ministry’s Public Relations Officer Mphatso Nkuonera has confirmed the development.

Speaking to ProjectM Nkuonera said the 4,200 auxiliary teachers are drawn from the Initial Primary Teacher Education (IPTE) cohorts 14,15 and 16 who have completed their teachers training course.

He said these ATs will start working on contractual terms from 1 September, 2024 academic year.

“They are on contract and not on full-time employment,” he said.

Nkuonera said these ATs will be paid K120,000 per person per month from September,2024.

He also said the list of names of the ATs has been furnished to the District Education Offices across the country.

Nkuonera added that the coming of the ATs will reduce the learner to teacher ratio.

The ATs initiative is a project under the Malawi Education Rural Programmme (MERP) Project is funded by the Malawi Government, World Bank and Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

MERP is constructing 10,900 classroom blocks across the country.

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