Friends of Billy Kaunda, a charitable organisation, led by the mother of renowned musician Billy Kaunda, has once again demonstrated its commitment to uplifting lives through charity.
The group recently presented a wheelchair to Robert Moses, a Blantyre resident who has struggled with mobility for a long time.
Speaking during the handover, Dave Banda, the chairperson for the organisation’s Southern Region chapter, said the group was moved by Mr. Moses’ plight.
“Mr. Robert Moses has been facing significant challenges with mobility and we felt it was prudent to step in and provide a wheelchair to improve his quality of life,” said Banda.
The gesture was warmly received by Mr. Moses’ wife, who expressed heartfelt gratitude.
“This support will make a big difference for my husband’s mobility and ease our daily struggles,” she said.
Friends of Billy Kaunda continues to embody the spirit of compassion, bringing hope to communities in need through meaningful acts of kindness.