Female Entrepreneur Makes Mark in Farming

A 23-year-old Lilongwe-based female entrepreneur, Stella Ziyenda has turned herself into a role model among her peers after she successfully ventured into farming.

Ziyenda has shattered stereotypes and defied the odds by taking the unconventional path of farming, a field often dominated by men, and is thriving.

She has told ProjectM in an interview that her passion for farming was ignited a few years ago after she noticed the scarcity of employment opportunities for young people.

Rather than waiting for opportunities to come to her, she decided to take matters into her own hands and venture into farming.

“As a student at the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), I saw farming as the perfect way to combine my academic pursuits with my desire for financial independence,” said Ziyenda.

With a keen eye for opportunity, Ziyenda began cultivating crops such as Maize, Cassava and Vegetables.

The multifaceted entreprenuer also diversified into animal husbandry, rearing animals like Chickens, Goats and Pigs.

“My farming venture has over the years become a thriving enterprise, providing me with the financial resources I need to fund my studies,” said Ziyenda.

She has indicated that her ultimate dream is to become one of the country’s leading farmers.

“And I know I will achieve this with determination and focus,” she added.

Lilongwe-based media personality and a trusted confidant of Ziyenda, Benson Kamonjola has described her as a beacon of hope for young people.

“As a young woman in a male-dominated field, Ziyenda is an inspiration to others,” said Kamonjola.

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