Mzuzu-based entrepreneur, Elizabeth Nkhwazi has risen from a humble beginning to establish an agribusiness company that specialises in value addition.

She is the Managing Director of Fresh Food Kings, a subsidiary of Angel Investments Limited, a company that has found it’s niche in the agricultural sector since its establishment in 2019.

Nkhwazi has told ProjectM in an interview that her company rose from a humble beginning as a fresh fish distributor mainly in Mzuzu City.

“I saw some gaps that needed filling in the fresh food sector and I decided to pounce,” said Nkhwazi.

Currently, Fresh Food Kings employs over 250 workers 60 percent of whom female.

“Our company actively collaborates with female farmers in rice and groundnut production and they are helped to find sustainable markets for their harvests,” said Nkhwazi.

The company also works closely with farmers across the country in providing inputs such as fertilisers, inoculants, pesticides and extension services.

“We also offer a market for their produce under the Transforming Agriculture Through Diversification and Entreprenuership (TRADE) programme,” she said.

Nkhwazi’s exploits have taken her to several countries, including in Rwanda where she was recently invited to participate in a week-long African Hub Agro-Dealer Development Conference in Kigali.

Her company was specifically invited to share notes on how it has played a role as an aggregator and exporter of various grains.

Melifa Nyirenda, a farmer who supplies agricultural products to Nkhwazi’s firm, has described the coming in of Fresh Food Kings as a relief, saying she now sells her produce at a profit.

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