Experts urge farmers to go organic manure

Agriculture experts have asked farmers in the country to embrace the use of organic fertilisers, saying this is a sure way of reducing food insecurity.

Over the past few months, farmers in the country have been complaining of high fertiliser prices, forcing them not to use anything a situation that has led to low yields.

The development has forced the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to launch an organic manure project which is being implemented by District Councils under the Public Sector Innovation Initiative Challenge.

According to Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) Malawi’s agriculture has two sub sectors which are Smallholder Farmers and Estates.

The statistics indicate that Smallholder Farmers comprising an estimated 2 million farming families which is characterised by low levels of input and low output levels.

Speaking with ProjectsM, Felix Jumbe an agriculture expert said that use of organic manure is cost effective and much safer to use since they are environmentally friendly making them the best fertilisers.

“These days farmers have difficulties accessing chemical fertilisers to the point of putting nothing in the field yet they have a lot of animal manure from their animals in the backyard that can enhance productivity when used,” he said.

Jumbe also emphasised on the need for awareness campaigns and trainings so that farmers are sensitised on the importance of using organic fertilisers.

“We need to do mass awareness strategies so that our extension workers are well-trained on the modern ways of making organic fertilisers,” he said.

Jumbe further added that there should be an introduction of demonstration to carry out experiments so that farmers can be given an opportunity to be exposed to new things.

“Extension officers should demonstrate their knowledge beyond classroom level by testing organic fertiliser performance, among others, because there has been a breakdown of information between farmers and extension workers,” he explained.

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