Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science holder Folomina Mofolo’s successful entrepreneurship is extraordinary.

Driven by her passion to impact lives, the 24-year-old from Jali in Traditional Authority Mwambo, Zomba District has said that her passion about agriculture started while she was in college.

The Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) graduate said after leaving the university in 2022, she embarked on entrepreneurship struggling to secure employment.

Said Mofolo: “It is important not only to seek employment, but also a place where you can grow and feel valued. We have to be more innovative and stay determined if we are to make strides in our contribution to the country’s economy through farming.

“Waiting for the perfect opportunity will make you waste your whole life. True resourcefulness means taking any chance that comes your way and adapting it to meet your goals.

“You create your own opportunities by using your skills, creativity and determination to turn circumstances to your advantage.”

The Zomba-based entrepreneur said she used the knowledge and practical skills she acquired from university acquired land in 2022 to grow crops such as rice, maize, sweet potatoes and vegetables.

She said that farming has become lucrative, earning an impressive K1.6 million in a month.

‘’Despite making some losses a few years ago due to the impact of the Covid-19 crisis, we believe in pushing the boundaries of technology.

Bringing our local business into the spotlight has been a big challenge but with creativity, dedication and hard work we have achieved the maximum potential yield in farming.’’

The young farmer also bemoaned lack of resources to produce at a large scale as well as marketing have been the biggest challenges she has been experiencing.

But she said she is optimistic to get resources to venture into all farming seasons.

‘’Currently, only positions for casual labourers are available and sometimes we do have 18 or more, but we intend to have full-time employees in the next few years.

“This year, we are putting extra effort into farming practices where we intend to plant other crops such as peppers, tomatoes.”

Remarkable successful story serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere, illustrating the power of determination, innovation and unwavering commitment to excellence.

Folomina Mofolo can be contacted on: +265 993 98 47 25 .

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