Farmers in the country have been implored to embrace the permaculture model of farming to maximise land use.

Permaculture is an approach to land management and settlement design that adopts arrangement observed in flourishing natural ecosystems.

Permaculture Paradise Institute founder and director Luwayo Biswick made the remarks on Saturday at Katsumwa Primary School in Lilongwe at the end of a five-day workshop targeting teachers, chiefs, parents and teacher committees, school management committee, field staff and farmers.

Twenty participants attended the training, a move Biswick believes will help for people to embrace the initiative.

“We believe these participants will use the skills gained here to train their fellow farmers when they go back to their respective homes,” said Biswick.

He said the farmers have been trained in a set of design principles derived using whole systems thinking.

“We have equipped them with knowledge on designs for sustainable soil and water conservation which is of course vital in modern farming,” said Biswick.

One of the participants at the workshop Faith Moyo commended Permaculture Paradise Institute for coming up with the training, saying it has opened her eyes.

The training was organised with support from the Good Neighbours.

Good Neighbours is a Non-Governmental Organization  (NGO) that is into humanitarian and development operating nation wide.

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