Communication eased through sign recognition system

Upon seeing the communication barrier that is there between lecturers and students with hearing impairment, Martin Silungwe, a final year student at National College of Information Technology (NACIT) decided to develop a sign recognition system to ease the barrier.

The sign recognition system is a technology system that uses computer vision and machine learning technique to automatically recognize and interpret sign languages made by an individual.

The system has been developed to be used by both individuals with hearing impairment as well as those who do not have hearing impairment disability for easy communication.

The sign recognition system is in a desktop application and can also be used on website. The system is able to interpret alphabetical letters as well as numbers and words.

“Most of the sign language recognition systems are implemented using wired gloves, but with this system anyone can use with his or her bare hands and the system will be able to interpret the signs performed “, said Silungwe.

He also added that the sign recognition system can be accessed for free as of now but will later be used at a fee after hosting it.

However, Silungwe told projectM that, the main challenge that he faces is lack of funds to use for hosting as well as to perfect the sign recognition system to cover a wide audience and recognize a lot of sign languages as it is now limited.

He is therefore, asking for assistance from well wishers.

For any assistance, you can send an email to or contact him on +265 880 619 483

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