Lilongwe-based innovator, Tamim Chipala has developed a security system in homes capable of deterring armed robberies. 

Chipala has told ProjectM in an interview that the system consists of a gadget which is operated manually upon activation by any intruder.

“Once the system detects an intruder, it will show him or her through cameras and then a button is dialled to shoot in the air twice to scare the intruder,” said Chipala.

He said if the intruder decides to ignore the warning, the system targets him or her.

“The good thing is it can be operated from a safe distance or inside the house,” Chipala said.

He said the continued reports of rising armed robberies in the country inspired him to invent the gadget, which he believes will be a game changer.

“I believe with this gadget, incidents of armed robberies will greatly decrease,” he added.

He has since indicated that mass production of the gadget will start upon receiving a license from the country’s security agencies who are still assessing it.

Chipala’s dream is to establish a company in South Africa where he can continue inventing other things.

Security expert, Anthony Manda, who is the owner of Spade security services in Lilongwe has described Chipala’s invention as timely.

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