Some communities in Chikwawa have formed groups that are cultivating various nutritious crops for children to boost their performance in school.

Among others, communities have formed groups that are cultivating crops such as Maize, Tomatoes, Onions and Carrots.

The initiative, which is being championed by a local organisation operating under the name “Community Focus (COFO)”, is being touted as crucial in helping more learners go back to school.

Tidziwane Women Group, a women’s group from Chikhambi Village in the area of Traditional Authority Kasisi has indicated that currently, the initiative has helped more households to become food secure, a development that has also seen more children going back to school.

“Chikwawa is one of the districts that was hit by floods last rainy season, resulting in the destruction of crop fields and property and an initiative like this has at least restored hope among villagers,” a representative of the group said.

Among others, the groups are being provided with agricultural materials such as seeds to help them practice winter cropping.

A snap survey conducted by ProjectM in some of the areas where the project is being implemented, found fields with healthy crops.

In an interview with ProjectM, COFO Executive Director Joshua Malunga hailed the communities for welcoming the initiative.

“Honestly, the response we are getting is more than we bargained for which means communities around Chikwawa have embraced this,” said Malunga.

Malunga added that apart from implementing the project in Chikhambi village, some women from Group Village Headman Chinangwa in the area of Traditional Authority Katunga have also adopted it, a development that has seen a boom in winter cropping.

“If you can move around some villages in Chikwawa now, you will see a lot of winter cropping happening, and that has happened mainly because of this project,” He added.

COFO has since indicated that it will soon roll out several projects aimed at helping local communities become food secure.

Minister of Agriculture, Sam Kawale has since applauded the initiative saying it is in line with the ministry’s goal of seeing more farmers venturing into winter cropping.

Education expert Island Mtambo has also commended COFO for launching the exercise, saying more children will now have access to education without worrying about food.

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