Chiefs in Nsanje say they are impressed with the construction works of the multibillion Kwacha Shire Valley Transformation Program ( SVTP) project saying once completed its is going to address the hunger situation in the Shire Valley districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje.

Senior Chief Chimombo said he is committed to see Nsanje and Chikwawa  free from hunger which is contributed because of drought and floods.

Speaking to ProjectM, Chimombo said the Shire Valley districts are associated with two main challenges of dryspell and floods.

“The construction of the canals are going to see the communities livelihoods transforming in the rural areas,” he said.

The senior traditional leader said the visit to the construction places by the Nsanje District Council members has been a welcome development to them despite the fact that the project will be only a short distance in Nsanje.

He said the traditional leaders would have loved to see the project covering an area up to Mchekamalemba in Nsanje.

According to the Senior Chief, communities along the canals will be growing crops thrice a year thereby making huge profits from the sales of their farmproduces.

Joyce Beniford said they are ready for the coming of the canals.

She said the committes have been established and trained in management.

” We have established markets where to sell our farmproduces,” she said.

Beniford added that the communities are just waiting for the water to start flowing in the canals.

The SVTP project is going to benefit over 43,000 farmers in the duo districts in the Shire Valley.

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