Chididi communities rehabilitate mwanalundu bridge

Communities from the area of Senior Chief Malemia in Nsanje say the completion of the rehabilitation works at Mwanalundu River bridge will easy the movement between the area and the district headquarters.

Group Village Headman Jofirisi told ProjectM that people from the area living within and outside the country decided to mobilize resources to rehabilitate the place.

He said travelling from Chididi to Nsanje Boma was a challenge, considering that most people ply their farm produce businesses.

“People were failing to supply commodities to Nsanje Boma and other parts of the districts,” he said.

GVH Jofirisi revealed that the site has taken 135 bags of cement worth K2.5 million and there is a need to have an additional 20 bags for the works to be fully finished.

The traditional leader also said 95% of the rehabilitation works at the site is completed.

“We have temporarily suspended the works as we are still searching for 20 bags of cement which he said due to the devaluation of the Malawi Kwacha has negatively affected them,” he said.

However, he said people are able to travel between the two area in Nsanje.

A motorcycle operator, Jones Dimingu, said travelling is now easier following the rehabilitation of the bridge at Mwanalundu stream.

“I managed to go to Chididi three times or four times per day depending on the number of passengers traveling to the area,” he said.

Chididi has favorable weather in the Shire Valley districts of Nsanje and Chikwawa which enables it to produce various fruits and crops.

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