Battle against corruption

The Anti-Corruption Bureau-ACB says in their scope of investigation Journalists in the country have a crucial role to play by reporting and exposing corruption which continues to pose a significant threat to the economic growth of Malawi.

ACB deputy director general Hillary chilomba said this on April 4 ,2023 at Liwonde in Machinga district where the bureau engaged media practitioners from the eastern region on corruption related issues.

Chilomba centered round the idea saying prioritizing the fight against corruption in the delivery of public services is a strategic decision made to bring visible change that will benefit users and trigger positive attitudes and increased involvement in the fight against corruption as a National endeavour.

The deputy director general said the Bureau remains confident that despite the various mutations of corruption billowing from hither and thither in the country, the media has a prominent role to play in informing the people including educating citizens on the evils of the vice as well as promoting in-depth reporting of cases of corruption by coming up with success stories inorder to achieve the goal of curbing corruption in Malawi.

“As a Bureau our excitement is overflowing as we intend to join hands and work together with journalists in eliminating corruption in the country.We believe that their involvement in fighting corruption will improve the situation as there is widespread understanding that corruption derails social and economic development thereby negatively affecting the well- being of all people living in Malawi”,said Chilomba.

Adding up his voice, Zomba press club president Titus Lizie, thanked the Bureau for engaging the media and has described it as an opportunity for the watchdogs to fully understand their role in the fight against corruption as stipulated in the Anti-Corruption strategy 11.

Lizie however, asked Journalists to exercise professionalism when dealing with corruption related stories and refrain from indulging themselves in corruption acts inorder to set up the foundation of a future Malawi free of corruption.

The training brought together journalists from Zomba,Machinga,Balaka and phalombe district .

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