Basking in the Glory of shoe Manufacturing

Diverting from a goal of becoming a renowned journalist in Malawi did not stumble the dreams of excelling in life for Chimwemwe Mwenyemasi who has made a name for his top notch shoe making home industry.

Born some 29 years ago in a family of 9 children in Chiradzulu district, Mwenyemasi who is a holder of Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) says, he learnt shoe making skills from his late father, adding that the responsibility of taking care for his family accelerated his interest in making shoes.

“My father used to make shoes and I could be just watching but after he died in 2011, my mother encouraged and assisted me a lot to venture into the shoe making process since she had all the knowledge but could not be capable of concentrating much on making shoes. Fast forward, due to my passion, I was recognized by the state owned Malawi Broadcasting Cooperation (MBC) under its Innovate Program and this amplified my public recognition.” He said.

Mwenyemasi further articulates that in the initial stages of his shoe making process, people despised his skills and referred him as the typical shoe repair but says he refused to let this negative feedback demotivates his dreams and vision towards being a professional in the industry as he was also recognized by a catholic priest at Andiamo in Balaka where he also worked.

Chimwemwe who is currently operating at Machinjiri in Blantyre city adds that, in 2016 he was nominated in the category of small scale and medium enterprises and also offered a one month sponsored trip to China aimed at specializing in shoe making.

‘’Since my passion in the shoe making initiative, I have benefited a lot in various areas such as local and international platforms for innovators and currently I have my own shop with 20 youths that I have employed and my vision is to open a school that will be majored in equipping youths with different skills in shoe making.

On 14th April this year, Mwenyemasi received a 6.5 million kwacha from National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF) meant to boost his local shoe manufacturing business.

‘’My advice to youths is that they should concentrate on their skills no matter how simple it may seem to others. I have gone through this but I endured everything and here I am today. There are many skilled young people who are just staying but they have varsity skills in different areas such as bicycle repairing etc., please come in the open and show what you are capable of doing. Sometimes it is good to take risks as well as a loan which you have proper business plans with” Says Mwenyemasi.

Currently Chimwemwe says his shop is working on manufacturing working boots for 300 field workers at National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF).

For more information on taking some orders or learning about shoe making process you may contact him on 0888777565 or find him on Facebook by searching Chimwemwe Mwenyemasi.

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