Lilongwe-based Extension Worker George Kussein has invented an implement for making planting stations called Mkamwini wa Chimanga Sasakawa.

He said the implement is targeting small-scale farmers as the implements that large-scale farmers use are expensive.

Said Kussein: “The Mkamwini Wachimanga Sasakawa implement is designed in a way that it promotes modernised farming. Gone are the days when farmers used to plant three maize seedlings per station but this machine promotes recommended space between ridges among others.

“The machine has piercings that are rolled over the ridges and this ensures uniformity of the spaces. This, therefore, reduces the cost that a farmer could spend in employing workers to do some ridges.”

He said apart from maize, they implement designs for groundnuts, beans and soya.

Currently, Kussein is based in Area 25 C and he sells the implement at K55,000 for maize, K60,000 for beans and K65,000 for soya.

An agriculture expert Tamani Nkhono Mvula has applauded the innovator, saying farmers who embrace agricultural–innovation boost productivity of the country and assure food security.

He said: “The agriculture sector is the backbone of the country which needs utmost attention as it looks at the oversight of food security in the long term. 

“Maize is the staple food of the country and legume crops are also major crops that are farmed for business. Therefore, having innovations that point towards promoting such is crucial in increasing productivity.” 

He added that the government is putting much effort in advancing mechanised farming and the same has to be done to small scale farmers who hold the majority population in the field of Agriculture.

For more information, George Kussein is on 0999 54 73 78.

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